martes, agosto 09, 2005


Año 2005 Agosto 9: LLegó el DISCOVERY, una oración de agradecimiento.

Oración para agradecer por la llegada de la tripulación del Discovery:
PIDO a DIOS PADRE AMADO: Bendice el ánimo agobiado de pena de los oprimidos por el dolor, La pesada soledad de almas hundidas; El ser totalmente agitado de los hombres, el sufrimiento que el alma nunca ha confiado a otra alma hermana. Bendice ese grupo de caminantes nocturnos, Los que no temen caminos desconocidos. Bendice a los hombres necesitados, que en este momento están muriendo, Danoss, Dios bueno, un feliz y tranquilo final. Bendice los corazones de todos, en especial, Señor, los entristecidos, Sobre todo alivia a los enfermos, da paz a los atormentados. Enseña a olvidar a los que llevaron su amor al sepulcro. Haz que en todo el mundo no viva un corazón bajo el tormento del pecado. Bendice a los alegres, Señor, consérvalos bajo tu protección. Todavía nunca me has quitado el vestido de luto. A veces siento pesada la carga sobre mis cansadas espaldas, Pero si tú me das fuerza, llevaré esta carga como penitencia hasta el sepulcro. Después bendice mi sueño, el sueño de todos los muertos. Recuerda lo que tu Hijo sufrió por mí en la angustia de muerte. Tu Ser tan misericordioso para con todas las necesidades humanas, Da la Guia y el descanso a todos los seres en tu Misericordia eterna. Amén.-
Transportador NASA Ultimas noticias y horarios:
NASA informe : STS-114 MCC Status Report #27 Los siete astronautas de la nave espacial Discovery estuvieron un día más en el espacio desde que las condiciones climáticas en el Centro Espacial Kennedy advirtió que no lo hicieran en el día lunes. Las dos alternativas de aterrizaje de la Discovery fueron desechadas esta mañana debido a la gran nubosidad que cubría el lugar de aterrizaje.
Los tres posibles lugares de aterrizaje de la Discovery están activados para mañana Martes a saber:
-El Centro Espacial Kennedy de NASA, Florida es el preferido para el aterrizaje.
-La Base de la Fuerza Aérea Edwards, California es el segundo lugar de preferencia.
-El Puerto Espacial Arenas Blancas , Nuevo México es el tercer lugar.
En cada uno de ellos hay dos oportunidades para el aterrizaje. El pronóstico en el KSC ara el martes son similares a las del día de hoy con algunas lluvias fuera de la costa. Edwards parece tener condiciones aceptables para el aterrizaje y White Sand’s tiene probabilidad de lluvias. Las preparaciones están centradas en la primera oportunidad para aterrizar el Martes y comenzarán con la puesta en marcha de los motores a las 11:01 UT para aterrizar en:
-KSC a las 12:07PM ó 12:43 UT.
Los demás aterrizajes se esperan para:
-White Sands 14:39UT ó 14:13UT.
-Edwards 14:13UT ó 15:47UT.
La tripulación ajustó la orbita de la Nave el lunes para optimizar el aterrizaje hoy. El próximo anuncio oficial saldrá a los medios después del aterrizaje o antes, si algo lo amerita.
Aug 9, 6:32 AM (ET)By PAM EASTON
(AP) Lt. Col. Maria Carl reviews documents as the current weather is displayed on a television screen...Full Image
SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - NASA canceled plans to land space shuttle Discovery in Florida on Tuesday because of stormy weather and told the astronauts to aim instead for a touchdown across the country, in California. Unstable weather at Cape Canaveral prompted Mission Control's decision to send Discovery to the backup touchdown site at Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert, especially after small pockets of thunderstorms popped up close to the landing strip. "How do you feel about a beautiful clear night with a breeze down the runway in the high desert of California?" Mission Control radioed. "We are ready for whatever we need to do," replied commander Eileen Collins. The shuttle's first opportunity to land at Edwards would be at 8:12 a.m. EDT. The directions to redirect toward California came just minutes after controllers told Collins the weather seemed to be clearing in Florida and they hoped to get the crew to the Kennedy Space Center. Conditions then took a turn for the worse. "All you have to do is look around and see the flashes of thunder and lightning. Obviously, Mother Nature doesn't want us to land at the cape today," said Bill Readdy, a former astronaut who heads NASA's spaceflight office. Collins was understanding. She said her crew was familiar with Florida storms and was "not surprised at all." "I've been in your shoes many times so I understand," Collins told Mission Control. (AP) The Space shuttle Endeavour lands at Edwards Air Force base in this June 19, 2002, file photo in...Full ImageThe crew changed into pressurized orange flight suits, helmets, gloves and boots worn during launch and landing. Each astronaut also strapped on a parachute pack, including a life raft, sea dye and two liters of emergency drinking water. NASA instructed the astronauts to continue landing preparations and begin drinking large amounts of fluids, which are necessary to ease the transition from the weightless environment of space back to Earth's gravity. "We sure hope we get our feet on the ground today," astronaut Wendy Lawrence radioed after Mission Control roused the astronauts late Monday with the Beatles song "Good Day Sunshine." Controllers said the song was appropriate after the crew had to abandon two attempts to return Monday when clouds obscured the runway at the Kennedy Space Center. The space center had been NASA's first choice for an early morning touchdown because the agency prefers landing shuttles at the same place where it launches them, to avoid the several days and estimated $1 million needed to ferry the spacecraft back from the West Coast atop a modified jumbo jet. (AP) The space shuttle Columbia lands at White Sands Space Harbor in this March 1982 file photo, on...Full ImageThe detour to the opposite coast was a big disappointment for the astronauts' families, who had been waiting to greet their loved ones in Cape Canaveral. Their reunion was put on hold until Wednesday, when they all planned to meet in Houston. NASA's top officials also had gathered at Cape Canaveral to welcome the crew home.
"There's nothing more that I would love to see than it (the landing) here so everybody here could be a part of this. But it's not going to be," shuttle program manager Bill Parsons said. "I want it to be safe, wherever the safest place is to go." Discovery has enough fuel and supplies to stay in orbit until Wednesday, but NASA wants to hold out that option only if a technical problem arises. Discovery is the first shuttle to return to orbit since Columbia's catastrophic re-entry in 2003. But Discovery's launch and flight to the international space station could be the last for a long while. (AP) A sign near KSC's vehicle assembly building, remains unchanged Monday morning, Aug. 8, 2005 hours...Full Image NASA grounded the shuttle fleet after a nearly 1-pound chunk of insulating foam broke off Discovery's external fuel tank during its July 26 liftoff - the very thing that doomed Columbia and was supposed to have been corrected. Discovery spent nine days hitched to the space station, where astronauts resupplied the orbiting lab and removed broken equipment and trash - one of the main goals of the mission. Another day was added to the mission when NASA grounded its fleet so astronauts could do additional work on the station. Discovery was the first shuttle to visit the orbiting outpost since 2002. As a result of Columbia, Discovery's crew performed intense inspections of their ship on five different days. Astronauts also did a spacewalk to test new repair techniques and replaced a failed gyroscope on the station during another spacewalk. In a third, unprecedented spacewalk, two protruding thermal tile fillers were removed from Discovery's belly. Engineers feared the material could cause dangerous overheating during re-entry. (AP) NASA public affairs officer George Diller speaks to the press at the Kennedy Space Center press...Full ImageColumbia was doomed by a 1.67-pound piece of foam that broke free from an external fuel tank at launch. The foam pierced a hole in the ship's left wing, and as the spacecraft re-entered the Earth's atmosphere, searing gases melted the wing from the inside. All seven astronauts aboard were killed. Former shuttle astronaut Charles Bolden said there comes a time when every astronaut is ready to return home - no matter how risky the ride. "You always want to stay in space. You don't ever want to come home, but you invariably get homesick," he said. "With every orbit that you don't come home, it gets more and more frustrating."
La imagen de hoy, refleja mi personal apreciación, sobre la incansable actividad del homo-habilis-polis-sapiens, para devenir en homo stelaris. Es todo.-

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